Le Kock
This project was done with a genius who is called Sölvi Dúnn, he has been working with a completely delicious restaurant called "Le Kock". He asked me if I wanted to join in on a mural project, to do a little bit of a mash up of our styles and ideas.... We had some coffees (beers) and scribbled down some ideas.. and came up with a rough idea/sketch

Before we started the wall project, I did some digital colouring / sketching. Just to get the feeling for it.

This is the wall piece. The size is about 1.60 meters wide and 2 meters tall. We started from the rough draft and then we just added into it what our minds came up with. It's was a blast!

If you want to see more of Sölvis work, check out his instagram:
If you want to check out Le Kock. Visit Iceland and go here: