I have a small exhibition in a galler called LitlaGallerý : https://en.litlagallery.is/
These are drawing that I have been doing for the last year, but with a twist.
Not really a twist, but I like gold, I like the kitsch feeling it gives.
These are drawings, they come from various places, but they just happen, the thought behind them is to enjoy drawing them.

Golden hands, nothing violent, just some kind of juice, fruit and gold.

All seeing eye? Or something else. The famous "Live long and prosper" pose... where everything begins, like the apple of all the stories.

HeavyMetalBull - Now that's a beast I want to see.

Cheers to you!

This was suppose to be a test, I always wanted to draw on a refrigerator surface. So, when it was time to replace my own refrigerator, I took the opportunity and used the door.

More sauce?